Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stephanie & Mike: Flying High ~ Peachtree City Photographer

Stephanie and Mike had a beautiful wedding at the Dixie Wing Hanger in Peachtree City. Mike is a pilot and spends free time at Dixie Wing working to help restore World War II aircrafts. The wedding was unique and fun - very much like the two of them. They hired the Mud Cat Blues band to play during their reception. Not only was the band fabulous - they really worked to get the party going. I hope to see these two around at the Northside Tavern... Brent and I are planning to catch the Mud Cat Blues Band in action soon.

I also must brag on Stephanie... not only is she gorgeous - she is an amazing bargain shopper. She scored these hot Gucci heels off ebay. Who wouldn't want a new pair of blue Gucci heels for their Something Blue?

For more photos from their here for the slide show!
